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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Try Something New- Do Something Different

I taught an awesome Yoga class today-

They were as diverse a group as you can get; all ages, sizes, experience and a group of men & women!

It was a Power Yoga class, and I'm here to say- I teach a hard power class! These people are building muscle- this ain't that "stretch and sleep" yoga but a 'come out sweaty from head to toe' YOGA!

As we opened the practice, I encouraged them to do a body scan of their body. This is easy to do- close down your eyes and as you begin to pay attention to your breath, travel up your body from toes to forehead, concentrating on one body part with each inhale/exhale breath cycle. As you scan, just pay attention to anywhere in your body where you might be storing stress, guilt, tightness, anxiety! You'd be surprised, we hold a wad of emotional garbage in our bodies- this awareness allows you to send that (fillintheblank) out of your body with each exhale-

We then set an intention for our practice to replace all the emotional garbage we just emptied with creativity and adventure! "We are going to need this creativity and adventure later in the practice" I warned them!

(I'm afraid I may have scared some people with that comment- but luckily they ALL stayed)

Because I had such a diverse group, I gave them variations on our poses depending on their abilities and experience. Though I gave them a wide range of options, I encouraged them to draw upon that "creativity and adventure" that we had brought into our minds and now bring it to the mat.
I was SO excited as I saw most people at least attempt an arm balance or a bind or any variety of NEWNESS to their practice.

This philosophy doesn't just exist on the yoga mat however. I have a FAV instructor at the gym and she reminds us often to add more weight if we are comfortable or mix up our workout routines. There is NO growth in comfortable and NO excitement in complacency.

I love this web talk by David Eagleman about How to Slow Down Time! It is worth the ten minutes it will take you to watch it. I love that the simple and VERY conscious act of switching up our routines can add enough impact to our lives that time literally slows down.
I am taking a Time Management class for school and we have been discussing just how many decisions we make on a daily basis that we DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT! These are BIG decisions, some with BIG consequences! Have you ever been driving down the road and all of a sudden realize you're on the way to the wrong place? Or wondered how you got to where you are? Life is RACING before us because we live on autopilot more than we live in the moment.

Take a moment today, just a few moments to do a body scan-
Where do you feel tension? Where do you feel ease?

Encourage the ease, release the tension and than go forward with your day with an eye to Newness, and eye to Adventure, and eye to Enjoying the very moment you are in RIGHT NOW!
Where you are going WILL happen! What you need to do WILL get done! The difference you're going to make is that you are going to ENJOY the JOURNEY-
I'm telling you, this is a GREAT JOURNEY of life we are on,
it just takes a little balance to see it-

Find your Balance &
You'll see the Beauty

Blessings & Balance,

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Keeping It Real

Dear Valued Friends & Family,

After several failed attempts to help my husband lose weight and with a few vanity pounds lingering on my own body, I looked into the Plexus line of products.
I have a few close friends who were having GREAT success in weight loss, overall energy and vitality as well as having incredible financial success.

I signed up to be an ambassador- there is a story within this story that is not of value here- and began to post once in awhile on my Facebook page. I had a few friends in mind when I read the testimonials online, but to be 100% honest, my heart cringed every time I read the testimonial of someone I didn't know first hand. As a result, I had a hard time posting anything but information about the product and my OWN personal experience with the products.

I also found myself to be a horrible salesperson, because what I care more about is helping people find their own balance- not mine or a random person with great "before and after" pictures.
I have been a believer for so many years that weight gain/loss is so much more than a few (or a lot) of pounds to get rid of.
We are complex people- weight issues don't happen overnight nor do they go away with a pill, shake or powder. So my conversations more often than not ended with me offering to help someone with their overall wellness improvement and no plexus at all.

If you know me well, you know I have had some pretty serious set backs as far as health and wellness go. My journey has NOT been an easy one- but it has been a WORTHWHILE one. As I sit here today, I am actually overcome with more humility, awe and gratitude than I can really process without tears. In this mess of emotion that I find myself in right now, I can honestly declare- I wouldn't change one thing about who I am or how I got to be here.

I live, eat and breathe this belief
I went to the doctor today because something has felt off for about six months. I have tried to blame it on stress, school, heat, cold, crazy schedules, balance... but I couldn't seem to get a handle on what was going on.
As the doctor and I looked at some blood results and talked about my daily lifestyle he said the same thing I have heard a hundred times before- "with all this stacked on your plate, you are doing unbelievably well. Most people at this point are ______" (fill in the blank with many different ailments".
He declared that my wellness is 100% of what I put into it and that it is obvious I give it my all.

People, I have heard this so many times you would think it is old hat and not a big deal- but I leave the doctor EVERY SINGLE TIME this is said so overcome with emotion that God has been so merciful to me and allowed me to find this path of wellness I am on. I am NOT PERFECT!!

I struggle with sugar EVERY single day-
I struggle with SELF ESTEEM every morning, noon and night and
I watch my scale in a way that sometimes I think borders on disorder-

BUT with all that being said, I would like to say,


my type of rainbow
So, I left that doctor with a game plan-

I'd like to interject here that having a doctor who will listen to you as the owner of your body is CRITICAL! Let's repeat that YOU ARE THE OWNER OF YOUR BODY- and ONLY you know what is best for YOU!

l left with a game plan for my health,

and I left with a commitment to make a change to our relationship-
whether or not Plexus is a good product for you is going to be up to you and I can tell you some great people who sell it-

BUT if you need help making some changes in your life- in your lifestyle-
if you need help finding balance, peace, progress in your weight, your wellness, your lifestyle than I KNOW I can help.

ain't never been a more true statement
It's a journey I've been on, it's a journey I have studied on a personal and an academic level, it's a journey I know all too well. And it's a journey that I KNOW if you put the effort into, you will reap the rewards in spades!

I won't promise you easy,
I won't promise you a size 4 jeans by Easter
or bikini abs Memorial Day,

the abs may just be an added bonus :)
BUT I will promise you control over your own body and mind, I will promise you a new understanding of who you are and where you want to be and

I will promise you BALANCE-

I will promise you my BEST-

and together we can make it to YOUR best!

Send me an email if you are ready for some changes at restoremybalance@gmail.com

balance of body, mind & soul
Blessings & Balance