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We've moved - check out the new site at RestoringMyBalance.com

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Set The Example and They Will Follow

One sleepless night,
I sat up and browsed Pinterest-

You can easily tell when I have insomnia
because that is the only time I do my "pinning"
Instead of the random one or two pins after
I've searched for a yummy recipe,
I will have 6,000+ pins in a single day
(or night-
I often lose track during insomnia bouts)

One sleepless night,
I came across this quote


and this quote

Parenting Quote

and I have been thinking a lot about these for
the past few weeks!

My life is a whole lot different than
it could have been! I feel like there have
been several times in my life where I
had divine help to get me on the right track
and lots of helping hands that worked
tirelessly to KEEP me there.

I had an amazing mom who loved unconditionally,
and who touched everyone who came into her
circle of influence.
Though she passed away at a very young age,
she had a huge impact on the type of person I wanted
to be when I grew up.

At her funeral, and for years after, people
would recognize me as Paula Reese's daughter
and share stories of her love and kindness with me!

I wanted desperately to be that kind of person!!

So when I saw these quotes,
I really started evaluating how my influence
is impacting my own children.
I wonder if I am patterning my life in such a way
that they will have a desire to do good because that's
what they see in my life?

Though I can think of a zillion things I am ashamed of,
I do have a few habits and traditions that I know my kids
are very grateful for and hope to be able to maintain
with their own families.

It's a tall order to think that what we do today
makes an impact on the future-
not just our own children,
but their children and so on...

Go about and get busy becoming who you
want your kiddos to be-
that's my summer challenge!
We will have fun,
for sure,
there will be water, sun, movies and staying up late-
but I think,
this summer,
I will consider SHOWING my kids what
manner of people I want them to be!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Rainbow Israeli CousCous

We had the best dinner a few weeks ago,
I shared it with you here

and I said recipes would follow,
well, I am a little late with that!!

Well here is one of them,
it is for the Rainbow Israeli CousCous
this is so yummy and soooo easy!
But it makes for a fun side dish
and a sneaky way to get peppers
into my picky kids-

Rainbow Israeli CousCous

1 cup of Rainbow Israeli CousCous
(cook according to directions)
1 each red, yellow & orange bell pepper, diced
red pepper flakes (to taste)
scant squirt of fresh lime juice

Saute the diced pepper in olive oil,
squirt a small bit of lime juice and sprinkle
with red pepper flakes (we like things hot)
Add to the cous cous when it is done cooking
and voila-

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Focal Point

Focal Point

I had myself a little bit of a nervous breakdown last week!
I didn't mean to give in,
I tried to be strong,
I tried to believe,
I tried to wait on the Lord's time table

But I had a melt down and I just couldn't help it!
Now that's a SNO CONE: Ham Lake, MN
I'm very grateful for a husband who just listened,
and offered a shoulder to cry on
and offered to be a punching bag
if I got really out of control!

I don't want to send the wrong message,
I feel really, really, REALLY blessed!
Ward Birthday Party: Ham Lake, MN
But we've had some losses over the past five years
And sometimes the only explanation I have is
that we failed-
which doesn't make sense when I
take the time to pray
and ponder my life experiences.
Annual Favorite Friends Gingerbread Party: Ham Lake, MN
Well, we are in a situation that is going to require
us to make a housing decision and we have only
a few days to make this decision!
A Glimpse at My Eternal Family: Ham Lake, MN
I'm tired of moving-
I'm tired of relocating &
I'm tired of the stress and sadness that being
"The new kid at school" causes my children.

So I had my little emotional breakdown,
and then I did what I do best,
I pulled myself up from my bootstraps
and put on my big girl panties
and I got over it!
Four Daughters: Newport, CA
I woke up early to read some scriptures
and found great comfort in Alma chapters 57-59,
Found in the Book of Mormon.
While I straightened my frizzy hair,
I listened to this great talk by Henry B. Eyring
And then I went to Yoga
** This is my prescription for dealing with challenges in life **

The studio I went to today has a mirror at the front of class-
I no likey mirrors in yoga class :(
During a standing balance pose, I stumbled and
Could NOT regain my balance!
I had taken my eyes off my focal point and
allowed myself to be completely distracted by
the many reflections in the mirror.

The trouble is, those reflections had absolutely NOTHING
to do with me, my stability or my practice
yet I let those distractions occupy my thoughts
and as a result, those distractions took me off balance!

I realized this is what was happening now-

I have healthy, happy, resilient kiddos,
they love each other, they love their parents
and for the most part they obey and
work each day to reach higher than the day before!
Beach Therapy: Ventura, CA
For a brief moment, I lost sight of the fact
that we all have a Heavenly Father who knows
what our limits and capacities are-
AND with all my heart,
I know we will never be pushed further than we can handle.
I also know without a shadow of doubt that
He who loves us more than we can earthly fathom,
also wants NOTHING more than to see me
succeed and conquer the trials that
push my weaknesses into strengths. 

If I believe in these two simple truths,
than I need not FEAR!
And this says it all: Newport, CA
I will let you know how it goes...

Monday, June 3, 2013

Summer at the PETERSON'S Part 1

A long, long time ago (well about 10 years ago)
in a galaxy far away (Minnesota)
there was a MOM (that would be me)

who decided that it was important to her
for her children to learn the value of money
as well as the value of what we spend
our money ON!

So I decided to give the kids the
opportunity to earn money for their
back to school  clothes.

I am pretty sure that the fun ages when
boys and girls realize that the Name &
the Symbol on your clothes is a

It worked so well the first year, 
we have continued ever since-
So for all you inquiring minds who 
wonder what on earth I keep my kids busy doing
during the summer-
Here is Our Summer Chore List

1. Vacuum Blinds 
2. Clean Windows & Sills
3. Vacuum & Clean Cars (can be done every week) 
4. Clean out Bathroom Drawers
5. Clean bedroom closet and drawers, inventory donations
6. Sweep Garage 
7. Rotate canned food storage
8. Mow Lawn
9. Pull Weeds
10. Vacuum Patio furniture
11. Spend three hours with younger sibling and let mom do _______
12. Write a monthly menu 
13. Write and maintain a self improvement goal
14. Make a treat to take to a friend
15. Make mom a new i-tunes playlist
16. Dust and clean all hanging pictures
17.  Iron
18. Wash and Oil Cabinets
19. Wash doors (we always have fingerprints)
20. Clean and organize pantry

I realize that paying children is a hot topic 
in the world of parenting-
Yes, I agree kids are part of the family
and therefore should work with the family-
but for OUR FAMILY-
I want them to understand basic budgeting skills
and how to wisely save and spend hard earned money-
and I want them to learn this lesson long before they
are out on their own and trying to fill 
their closets before filling their pantry!