I sat up and browsed Pinterest-
You can easily tell when I have insomnia
because that is the only time I do my "pinning"
Instead of the random one or two pins after
I've searched for a yummy recipe,
I will have 6,000+ pins in a single day
(or night-
I often lose track during insomnia bouts)
One sleepless night,
I came across this quote

and this quote

and I have been thinking a lot about these for
the past few weeks!
My life is a whole lot different than
it could have been! I feel like there have
been several times in my life where I
had divine help to get me on the right track
and lots of helping hands that worked
tirelessly to KEEP me there.
I had an amazing mom who loved unconditionally,
and who touched everyone who came into her
circle of influence.
Though she passed away at a very young age,
she had a huge impact on the type of person I wanted
to be when I grew up.
At her funeral, and for years after, people
would recognize me as Paula Reese's daughter
and share stories of her love and kindness with me!
I wanted desperately to be that kind of person!!
So when I saw these quotes,
I really started evaluating how my influence
is impacting my own children.
I wonder if I am patterning my life in such a way
that they will have a desire to do good because that's
what they see in my life?
Though I can think of a zillion things I am ashamed of,
I do have a few habits and traditions that I know my kids
are very grateful for and hope to be able to maintain
with their own families.
It's a tall order to think that what we do today
makes an impact on the future-
not just our own children,
but their children and so on...
Go about and get busy becoming who you
want your kiddos to be-
that's my summer challenge!
We will have fun,
for sure,
there will be water, sun, movies and staying up late-
but I think,
this summer,
I will consider SHOWING my kids what
manner of people I want them to be!