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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Cupcakes

I am here to issue a great big
These Cupcakes are yummy-
not since I made the
Chocolate Cupcakes w/ Salted Caramel Cupcakes

& these Chocolate Coconut Cupcakes
have I made a cupcake that knocked
my socks off the way these have-

You know you have hit on success
when there is bowl licking

batter dipping & smiles oozing out of the kitchen...

Enjoy the recipe:

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Cupcakes

1 box Triple Chocolate Fudge Cake Mix
3/4 cup buttermilk
1/2 cup oil
3 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla extract**
1/3 cup creamy peanut butter
1 cup sour cream

Peanut Butter Frosting
1 cube butter
8 oz. cream cheese
1/3 cup peanut butter
2 tsp. vanilla extract**
4-5 cups powdered sugar

24 mini peanut butter cups

** I use Nielsen- Massey Vanilla Bean Paste,
and I believe especially in the frosting this
makes a TON of difference.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
In large bowl combine moist ingredients, don't over mix.
Combine wet and dry ingredients.
I let my mixer run for several minutes so
the batter is nice, light and airy.
Bake for 17-22 minutes until toothpick
comes out clean.
Allow to cool for just a few minutes and
than stuff a peanut butter cup in the center
of each cupcake.

Cool completely (I cool mine in a plastic
container with the lid on to retain moisture)
Frost with Peanut Butter Frosting
top with chocolate shavings if desired-

Oh mama mia, soo deliciouso!!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

"Watch Me"

A few days ago,

this picture was posted on the 
Facebook page of a Fitness site
I subscribe too.
I immediately tagged the picture and the
quote as my New Mantra.
At first glance, I really like the phrase
and the strength of the girl in the photo!

But as I thought about this,
I realized this IS my mantra and
HAS BEEN for nearly 20 years-

When I was first diagnosed with Lupus,
I was really too naive to be overwhelmed,
scared or worried.
To be honest, I just kept my head in the sand
for a while-
But for some reason, Lupus was in the news
a lot at about the same time I got my diagnosis.
A popular movie was released where one of the
supporting characters dies from Lupus.
A famous actor's wife was discussing her
battle with Lupus and the risks she faced
in child birth.
Therapies were being researched...
And my husband of all of 1 year, kept
bringing me books about Lupus-
so I did a lot of reading.

It's strange to me now that I can remember it so well,
but I was reading in one book, a compilation of
individual stories, each story written by a patient of lupus.

One story hit me hard,
it was a mother who talked about how she frequently
felt that her children's lives were impacted
adversely because there were some days
she just couldn't get out of bed and
many days that she had to cancel plans
with her family because she didn't feel well.
I don't know why her story struck such a cord,
but it did-

I determined on that day, nearly six months after
final diagnosis,
that THAT wasn't going to be me.
I wasn't going to live my life defined by Lupus
nor was my family going to be so impacted by
this disease that I barely understood.

The first step I took was to educate myself
on the disease itself.
Next, I educated myself on my own body-
I journaled every thing about my life at the time-
what I ate, when I slept, what I did each day
and how I felt-
It didn't take long for me to realize that exercise
was HANDS DOWN the best thing I could do for
my body, my health and my wellness.
internet stock picture

I am not an athlete and exercise isn't my Natural
first choice for early in the morning activities-
but I have made a decision to put exercise as a
priority and I believe it has paid off more than
any other thing I have been doing long term.

Several years ago, I became converted to the
importance of diet for overall health and wellness
as well. I have noticed a freedom from symptoms
when I combine a healthy diet with a regular fitness

Time and again, I have gone for a check up
and my doctors have been amazed at how incredibly
well I handle the disease.
I have friends who have
known me for years before knowing Lupus is
my constant companion and my children
have been free from the worry and impact that
I read about so many years ago.

Though there are days I need more than just a salad

and a yoga class...
and when those days come, I quickly look
for what might be out of balance!

Knowing my body has taught me that there are
days I need to rest, days I need to recover.
Because of this,I carefully schedule my life
so I have time to recover if I need to,
(read about my Mom's Day Off here).

My experience has taught me that we are our
own best ally in the field of Health & Wellness.
Our attitude plays a huge part in how we overcome
our personal challenges.
We have more control than we understand in
finding health, happiness and JOY.

So back to my Mantra,
each time my body tries to tell me
that I can't do something because of
how I feel,
I take a deep breath and say,
"Ya, watch me do it" and I'll do it with a smile!

It hasn't been easy-
more days than not, I want to stay in bed
and talk about my pains-
but more days than not, I get out of bed
without saying a word-
and get on with the beauty that unfolds-

And for that, I have no regrets!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Kori's Graduation Photoshoot

Kori's graduation pics
Child #2 has left the building-

Yes it's true! My daughter,
my rock, my biggest helper EVAH'
has left home to get started on her own life.

My friends keep reminding me that this is
what life is all about-
kids should grow up and move on
and MOVE OUT :)
And really,
I wouldn't want it any other way!

I am super proud of the beautiful girl she is,
Inside and Out-
she is more than I ever dreamed of being
at 18,
and I know that her potential for amazing
things is without limits.

Just one last tear, I promise

Good Morning Banana Muffins

It has been SOOO Hot
here in Sunny & Humid Dallas, TX!

I was doing fine this first ever
summer spent in the Dallas area,
but I'd be lying if I didn't confess that
I am absolutely, positively, 100%
READY for fall weather.

Well, I think all this heat and humidity
is making for a hotter house!
And a hotter house is making for fruits
that are getting ripe faster than usual!!

So when I woke up to BANANAS that
were more soft than any of us will eat-
I knew what was for breakfast-
NOT my favorite BANANA CAKE silly,
though you know me too well,

No! It was our favorite Banana Muffins.

Banana Muffins w/ Cinnamon & Sugar Topping

1 cup flour
3/4 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 cup sugar
2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. nutmeg
1/2 cup mashed ripe banana
1/2 cup buttermilk
1/3 cup oil
1 egg, slightly beaten

Heat oven to 400. Line Baking cups with liners or
generously coat with your favorite spray.
Combine all dry ingredients.
Stir in remaining ingredients just until dry
ingredients are moistened.
Fill baking cups.
Bake at 400 for 18-22 minutes or until golden brown.
Immediately remove from pan.
In a small bowl, combine 1/4 cup Coarse Turbinado Sugar
(or regular sugar if you desire) and 1/2 tsp. cinnamon.
Brush muffin tops with melted butter and dip in
cinnamon sugar mixture.

YUMMY to our morning TUMMIES!