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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day Five: Creating Home (Time)

My first two kiddos are Sixteen Months apart in age.
 I think they thought they were twins,
 and joined at the hip twins at that!!

They were good kids, but I was a young mom,
and often times I felt like I didn't enough have time to
go to the bathroom, let alone make a Yummy dinner for
my husband or have the house straightened up
before he got home!
We didn't have a dog, but I had two little ones and a baby on the way!
One day, it seemed like all I had been saying
to my two little ones was "In a Minute" or
"Wait just One Minute" or "Just let me get this done"
And no matter how many times I said it,
they seemed to be right under my feet wanting
me to do, get or fix something for them.

In a brief moment of revelation, I decided that
rather than tell them "One Minute" again,
a concept that I realized they probably didn't understand anyway,
I would GIVE them ONE MINUTE-
actually it was probably more like Five minutes-
This particular day,
I got out the play doh,
and started with some soft creations.
It took a few minutes out of my afternoon,
but it bought me enough time to straighten
the house and start dinner with no interruptions.

Since than, I have seen the blessing of giving just
a little bit of time to my kiddos.
Sometimes it is a book that needs to be read-
Or a game to be played-
Or a listening, attentive ear.
Whatever it is, a few minutes invested up front
seems to reap better dividends than any other
family practice out there- somehow giving the
few minutes, makes everything work just a little
bit better.

Maybe it's because I need a time out too,
time to enjoy the kids,
while they are still kids.
I honestly think that one of the reasons,
my kids have time for me now,
despite their busy schedules,
is because I had time for them!

I've heard that the best service a person has
to offer anyone is a SMILE and
the best gift anyone can give is
the gift of TIME!
Make today a day of service and gifts :)

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