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Friday, October 21, 2011

Day Twenty-One: Creating Home (Unity)

Quite a while ago,
my husband and I kept receiving the same counsel
over &
over &
It was wise counsel, from a reputable source,
but counsel we didn't really understand!

The advice was simple-
Peace & Harmony in married life rests with UNITY!
It's a nice saying, but we ARE Unified,

Aren't We???

I filed this advice away as a handy saying
rather than pondering and processing the message-
let alone applying the advice to my life.

Well a few months later,
I was at a Women's Conference and a husband and wife
were standing side by side discussing the value of
UNITY in family life-
more specifically
to Married Couples.
So much of what they shared hit deep in my heart,
but the one thing that really struck me hard was
"Don't ever make any decision until both of you
are sure of the decision to be made. If one of you
feels uncertain, uncomfortable or in any way unsure-
than nothing is to be done until you BOTH are ready
to move forward."
This is the UNITY that we were missing in our lives.

In our marriage, we are really good at moving forward
if one of us feels good, but we don't always
(ok, we rarely)
wait to make decisions until we BOTH feel ready!
This has gotten us into trouble and has probably been
one of our biggest sources of contention in our home.
When something goes wrong or sticky,
it is easy for one person to take the blame
(self imposed or given)
or one person to feel like the decision could have been better.
So for this upcoming move and the huge decisions that have come
before and will come after this move,
we have determined to be 100% unified!

Today, I had the glimpse of just how important Unity is
and how helpful it can be in marriage & family life-

My husband and I were talking about some of the challenges
that we are up against with this move.
I was questioning the trials that seem to come daily and asked,
"Is there any way we are making a BIG mistake??"
My husband replied with a very soothing voice,
"I am not worried at all, but we won't take another step until
we both feel ready."
Not much later in the conversation, I revealed a very unexpected
but comforting thought that had come into my mind this morning
as I was searching some scriptures for some comfort.
My husband said,
"I actually had that exact same thought this morning too"

Now I know that this may not seem like a miracle to anyone
but me!
But this was huge.
he would have told me all the reasons why this thought couldn't
possibly play out, I would have lost hope
and more important,
not even let my faith grasp hold of this possible
merciful miracle.
And I would have felt a little angry at him
(ok, probably a lot of angry)

But our efforts at UNITY, I think,
really paid off in this situation.

We are scared, but we are scared TOGETHER!
We have faith, and we have faith TOGETHER!
We will cry, but we will cry TOGETHER!

Life can be long,
Life can be rewarding,
but one thing is for certain,
Life is meant to be lived TOGETHER!
** which means UNIFIED,

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