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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Don't Look Around

"For the next 60 minutes,
Do Not Look Around."

That was our challenge in Yoga one day last week.

"Do Not Look Around,"
Brooke said,
"when you look around,
you start to notice how someone else
looks in their pose.
And once in a while,
whether you mean to or not,
you start to compare."

"The trouble is,
you don't know who is injured,
who has finally conquered a pose
that they have worked on for years.
You don't know who woke up stiff
or who has already put in a 10 mile run."

I have not been able to stop thinking about this.
For days, I have caught myself looking around.
Not just in the Yoga Studio,
Not just at the Gym
and not just as I walk to school for pick up.

I look around a lot!
And I notice more than I want to,
and sometimes,
even though I don't intend to,
I compare.

And I think most often,
I compare my weakness
to someone's strengths.

But I don't know who woke up sad this morning
and who is just happy to finally be OUT of bed.
I don't know who is living their last few days
and I don't know who just got the news of a lifetime.

Look Around,
Be a Friend,
Offer a Smile,
or better Yet
Share a Hug

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