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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Know Your Support Staff

I'm reading a book right now that I WON'T recommend,
but it has one line in it that I want to share-
one of the characters is reflecting on a time when she
had surgery as and adult. She needed her mother for
absolutely every part of daily life- eating, bathing, pottying!
Well, she got a little stinky and a lot picky with her mother
and her mom left.
After about 30 minutes, the character had to sink into some
level of humility, and call her mom back to beg forgiveness
and ask her to come back.
She said to her mom in misery "I'm sorry, I'm helpless"
Her mother responded with the line I love,
"That's where you're wrong. You're not helpless.
You need help. There's a big difference."

I guess I love it because I NEED HELP-
and a lot of it at that.

Last week in Yoga,
I pushed myself to hard.
I was sure that if I worked through the pain
in my shoulder and back,
I would come out better off than if I
continued to baby these injuries.
But alas, my body had another think,
and it wasn't a good one.
So I had to stay after class and ask for
a little help working the kinks out
that I had so stubbornly forced upon myself.
As I walked out of the studio,
I was so glad for Help.
For someone who knows better than I
what is best for me in the moment.

Yesterday I went to the store.
It was one of those errand running days
where I am timed to the minute and have
no room for any sort of delay.
Well, I had our BIG vehicle-
who thought it was smart to put the
MOM in the BIG vehicle???
Especially the MOM who finds Reverse to be
As I return to my car, I see an even BIGGER
truck parked in the stall directly behind my car.
Oh my gosh, panic mode, how am I going to
navigate out of that parking spot.
I think Big, Gruff, Mountain type Man sensed
my panic and waited for me to get in my car.
As I began my reverse momentum,
and prayed silently that no harm would come
to me, my car, him, his car, or anyone
or anything nearby,
I noticed that he was guiding me on...
and he kept guiding me,
and encouraging me to continue-
even though my brain was screaming-
STOP- let's just make this a 28 point reverse attempt.
I finally opened the window and said
"Are you SURE I've got room?"
"It doesn't look like I've got room, your 
making me a bit nervous"
"You're fine. It's a new truck, you've got room"
(like the new truck line added COMFORT to the situation)
"Are you sure you don't just want the insurance payout?"
"Ma'am you're fine, just keep 'er comin'"
Okay, MR. MCBUFF, if you think you've got this,
and minutes later I was out,
and free of my parking headache
and off I went,
into the wild blue yonder,
Thanks Mr. Stranger man for helpin' me out back there!

So there is a lot of Help out there
in this big, wide world we live in.
Sometimes the Help comes from
the amazing people we live with.
Sometimes it comes from those
nearest and dearest to our hearts.
Sometimes it is just someone who
honestly and genuinely knows more
than we do-
and sometimes it comes from a complete
& total stranger,
who just walks into our lives,
long enough to be a bit of a support,
and off they go, barely a dent in our day.

With all this Help floating around,
it really makes me wonder,
why do we try to do so much
I vow to acknowledge the difference
Being Helpless,
and Needing Help!
You should to!!
Get started today,
look around,
Whose on your Support Staff??

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