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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day Thirteen: Creating Home (Think Broader Than the Moment)

We have a ton going on right now!
Really almost more than I can take in and be sane,
but honestly,
I think Sanity is over-rated!

My husband and I just had a long conversation
about putting things in perspective,
and worrying about only those things that really matter!

It's not easy in this crazy busy thing we call life-
there are a million things to worry about,
and if we let it,
worry can suck all the JOY out of every day,
every minute,
every breath!

So get out of your head for a minute,
sit down, no matter what "stuff" is screaming
that it needs your undivided attention IMMEDIATELY
and ask yourself THREE questions-
* How important will this issue be in a few minutes?
* ... in a few months?
* ... in many years?

I think a lot of time is spent fretting about issues
that we have no control over or that, in the long term,
have no meaningful value to our life or salvation-
But these are the very issues that get so much attention,
that there is no time or energy left to enjoy the
SIMPLE PLEASURES that absolutely do impact
...the next few minutes,
...the next few months and
definitely make a lasting impact for many, many years!

It doesn't matter what it is that brings a little JOY to your home,
a movie night,
homemade ornaments for your friends at Christmas,
an art gallery of family photos,
fresh cut floral arrangements on all the tables,
matching linens & table ware,
homemade bread in the oven,
really it doesn't matter-
but these are the things your family,
your friends,
your neighbors will remember about life in your home-

I promise you no one-
will remember if your toilets always sparkled,
or ironing got done faithfully on Thursdays,
or that your photos were always in alphabetical order
and sorted by day, month, year,
or in my case this year
if you got a shower every day :)
(I don't know why that just ain't happening in my world right now)

So the things that are limiting what you can accomplish
for good-
get rid of them, or at least quit giving them control,
and keep your eyes focused,
your gaze up,
and your smile bright-

Chances are,
what has you down today,
won't have a speck of worth

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