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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Day One: Creating Home

Hey Friends,

I am taking a fun opportunity to link up
to some great gals on a 31 day Journey.
How fun to see 31 Days in October through
the eyes of so much amazing talent and
so many wonderful ideas!
I'm excited to announce that my 31 days
will be focused on Creating Home!
Whatever your home looks like,
Whoever is there with you,
and Wherever it is,
I hope you will be inspired to be take a
mindful and deliberate approach to
creating the HOME you have always
dreamed of or admire from afar!
My guess is that you are not far from your dreams,
you may just need to focus in on your treasures.

When I first decided to participate in this 31 days,
I had great dreams
and visions
of what I could do
with 31 days of inspiration and creativity...
and than along come reality!
I got hit with a huge curve ball,
smack in the center of my face!!
Can I pause to say this happens to me A LOT!

The curve ball, my friends, came in the shape
of a JOB change for my husband
and a quick and sudden move that
we were NOT expecting.

Though you may not be moving
1400 miles, 23 hours and 4 minutes away from
your current home,
I think my journey will help you enjoy
right where you are.
I hope over the next 31 days
you find for yourself what HOME means to you
and than together we can go out and
& remember-
JOY is always the best part of the JOurneY


  1. looking forward to the 31 days with you :) i *do* know the whole "pick up and move across the country" routine as my husband and i just moved from tucson, az to baltimore, md. :) so you're in good company, friend :)

  2. Oh yeah, I am so glad to call you friend :) I love Baltimore, what a fun place to get to live.
